
[Reprint] lawyer what the eye can see? _ linzi legal persons

Categories: address the original points of law: lawyer's eyes can see what? author: Dongguan lawyer Long Yuanfu lawyer's eyes can see what?/liuguiming there is no doubt that Wang Fang was a beauty, is also a beauty bar. However, she not only the appearance of the United States and, more importantly, is that her love for lawyers. Of particular concern is that she has a beautiful and rich penetrating eyes.����For any lawyer who, with a pair of very good judgment, observation and penetrating eyes is also one of the most important basic skills. So, read this article, we know that a lawyer's eyes can see what? a pair of eyes full of judgment for lawyers to see their own pursuits. From a lawyer you just join to become a successful lawyer, all are based on understanding and solving their professional orientation begins. Wang Fang lawyers too, through advice, after study, after training, she became their pursuit of personal and professional seeking organic blend together. Because she already knew what he likes doing, knowing for what to do, know what I should do. In the view of many professionals, legal profession, is that those who did not join the unpredictable; bar deep, is the body cannot be perceived by persons outside of; lawyer field range, just join the people that are not known. At this point, if you do not have a pair of eyes full of judgment, is unable to identify and understand their professional orientation and direction. Thus, in determining their professional orientation and professional direction after, Wang Fang is from a little-known small lawyers began to develop into a marriage and family, and even financial experts in the field of law. In accordance with the traditional view, marriage and family law is a traditional business, development is unlikely.����Wang Fang lawyer's eyes, discover opportunities for personal development, discovered the vitality of business expansion, find professional extended business. A pair of eyes full of abilities to be able to make the lawyers see the market's needs. No one can deny that, under the conditions of market economy, lawyer as a function of market intermediaries are increasing, and widely expanded. To this end, understand the needs of the market for a lawyer has become particularly important. However, in order to understand the needs of the market must first clear the market of supply and demand. Wang Fang lawyer, professional real estate lawyers, intellectual property law, marriage and family property professional lawyers ' selection for new industries and emerging areas of expertise, but she's knowledge structure, according to their own personal interests and abilities, temperament, professional image relating to technical barriers, and so on, their professional orientation in marriage and family property business. To that end, she started doing research, writing papers, websites, listen to talks, and actively participate in the discussion and exchange activities within and outside the industry. As far as I recall, I plan and Chair of lawyers in a variety of activities, she is not only an active participant, but also is a dare to performers. Similarly, her performance was also all aspects of recognition and praise.����More important is that her performance was a market and social recognition, market and community laws on marriage and family businesses still has such a wide demand her performance has also attracted the attention of lawyers peer, marriage and family law service still has such a wealth of resources. A rich penetrating eyes can call a lawyer to see professioninjury lawyers orlandoal requirements. If a lawyer knows only their own pursuit of goals, also have an understanding of market supply and demand, but there is not enough. Because there needs to be backed by their expertise and their professional responsibilities in order to achieve their ideal target. In this regard, Wang Fang lawyers obviously do it in place, and is also very good. Had a lot of people, and even peers are not optimistic about the field of marriage and family, not only does she dug out her first pot of gold, using their keen grasp of market demand and also opened up another round of heaven and Earth. Thus, in the continuous professional practice, she gradually starting from traditional litigation to today's non-litigation business transformation, from the clients body by citizens to the transformation of institutions, the transition from domestic to international business, the transition from purely sociological integrated legal services to the service. This is her personal summary "four changes business development plan". However, these four change must start with their own vision of development, starting from the professional-looking eyes. Wang Fang lawyers what they said: "this four changes were I a summary of the innovation in the field of marriage and family wealth management is only one aspect of the business innovation, I also used to refer to myself as risk prevention, and because I am a lawyer, from system design and I can talk in terms of risk prevention to protect people in advance about wealth. Many people may not be good marriages field of business, but in my opinion, no matter which field is certainly has room for innovation, which requires our forward-looking vision and keen reactions. "Of course, you want to be a good lawyer, is not enough to only see their own professional development. Should stand higher, professional responsibility would also like to see. A lawyer by their own efforts, changing your life is a primary objective. If you want to enrich your life, you need to take into account for the industry, serve the community, for the State to make additional contributions. Wang Fang lawyers are aware of their professional orientation, even up to the professional requirements and professional responsibility.����So, she is actively involved in the legislation and amendments, in legislative circles reflect his voice and wisdom, so she is very encouraging for the legitimate rights and interests of women preaching and interpretation in order to create a new harmonious marriage of engineering; so she takes seriously its obligations under the "home Physical Therapist" ideals and mission, in order to build its own "dream garden". "Home Physical Therapist", what a wonderful job; "dreamy Garden". What a beautiful ideal. Today, already Wang Fang lawyers career and the pursuit of life continue to emerge. However, she is also the expectation that they can achieve another leap forward: "in my at the same time, I want to be able to benefit of the entire industry and society, which is every legal practitioners should be hosted by professional ethics and social responsibility. "The original Wang Fang in the eyes of lawyers, there is our shared responsibility and the future beautiful" dreamy Garden ". : a reporter interviews Wang Fang lawyers "dreamy Garden" wit, sharp, professional, Wang Fang in their own "dream garden" and not onlyJust the eighties '. /The name of your correspondent Wang Leilei Wang Fang, many people are familiar, as Beijing Zhong JI leading law firm marriage law, TV screens in that sweet face to many viewers have left a deep imprbill consolidation loan mortgage secondession on him. "Special program like Wang Fang lawyer told, felt her temperament is very good and very attractive, tells something that all roads lead to the road.����"Long before the interview, journalist is listening to some audience members said. Close contact Wang Fang, in front of the camera shujing elegance, stately calm "Star" lawyer, journalists have a whole new understanding-sharp market smell and wit-handling skills, professional practice of spirit.����However, the journalists most impressed, afford a lawyer was also talking about work, Wang Fang the overflowing of a confident and happy smiles. "As a lawyer, when I finished one career aspirations, much like maikejiekexun build your own garden of dreams, that kind of happiness and joy cannot express in words. "happy lawyesan francisco personal injury attorneysrs familiar with Wang Fang is people say, no matter how busy he usual, saw her she was always smiling.����This heartfelt smiles on the one hand from her optimistic attitude, more Wang Fang is an enjoyment of mind to face every time lawyers ' work.����And it is such a mentality so originally cool wit Wang Fang, neither the Court nor the work, with a total useful fantastic trick to burn, in numerous cases of her experience, there is such a case.����In one case, a foreign client commissioned Wang Fang in e-mail agent in divorce proceedings, when Wang Fang to specially authorized agents to sit on it, than she expected to happen, the other party suddenly statement to a judge, one night at 12 o'clock at night, she called her husband to international call, husband admitted having had the process of talking to girls received a home to live together, and submitted to the Court, the presence of two witnesses and a recording of the telephone conversation, to prove that her husband has affair to blame, and mental damages of $ 100,000. The client has not provided Wang Fang said, when Wang Fang hear this recording, first click, audio is very clear, even if this guy's voice is not heard clearly, the only remaining are the two witnesses.����Two witnesses turns into the statement in court testimony, after asking some issues and details of two witnesses, Wang Fang Chi has been formed in our hearts. Watch close to noon, three judges have started to pick up the file, intended to adjournments, the judge let Wang Fang for simple cross, it is clear that only a form, "the judge, after plaintiff's burden of proof, so I have a doubt on their client's fault, just what is the truth? let us Court analysis back in 2006 that all along I'm on a certain night at 12 o'clock, the plaintiffs in the living room.����"Wang Fang this special opening attracted everybody's attention.����"Plaintiffs the burden of proof that evening, coincidentally approaching the night 12 o'clock the witnesses called on the plaintiff, specially one or are pregnant women, more skillfully are the two witnesses to the plaintiff's home phone rang in foreign countries, while the phone is exactly that when the plaintiff has a voice recorder, and amazing in this case the defendant sth" Sigh said seven "specially" after the plot, Wang fang says: "a coincidence by chance, two coincidence is luck, three coincidences are miracles, four coincidence is God, and five coincidence is a screenwriter, six coincidences are forged, seven coincidence of perjury. This series of coincidences can only show that the plaintiff as Director of the play is too perfect instead of exposing too much out of the bag. "Listen to this, the plaintiff immediately face to panic," so, combined with the analysis of the testimony of two witnesses, it is not difficult to judge, plaintiffs Opera ignore the details of the directors, fabricate, that led to two witnesses when you answer the same question, the answer is entirely different. View to submission to the plaintiff's testimony of a witness does not have true objectivity, the defence requested the Tribunal will not be adopting. "Ultimately, this case also to Wang Fang's all ended in victory. After the end of the trial, Wang Fang fun joking with someone said: "this time I had a ' Sherlock Holmes ' of addiction. "from marriage to financing in 1999, when Wang Fang decided to take part in judicial examination to become a lawyer, was a just-entered the society of Economics graduate. "Felt lawyer this occupation on the overall quality requirements is relatively high, for a woman, is a challenging job.����"On the road, then select, Wang Fang said. After successfully passed the bar examination, until 2003, Wang Fang is a little-known small lawyer, after a period of time accumulated experience, Wang Fang began to consider professional choice. Then she took out her knowledge of Economics, has made a chart used to analyze market supply and demand and potential for development of the legal services profession. "Real estate is hot at that time, intellectual property as a new industry emerging, and I also found that the divorce rate began to rise in two years, marriage and family disputes over more and more, it should be said that these three areas of future demand are good.����"Wang Fang told the corporate press. After analyzing the "seek", Wang Fang began analysis "for". "The field of marriage and family is very fit, first is the technical threshold is relatively low, but also as a female lawyer, fine, has the better image quality, language ability, and easier to communicate with people, these are all advantages of my marriage and family cases.����"After making the decision, Wang Fang immediately carry out the work, when she commissioned a" Beijing divorce network ", became the first Beijing" matrimonial disputes legal service "fully professional lawyers.����In 2004, a turning point, Wang Fang in respect of marriage and family business to find a new breakthrough. In 2004, before the first session of the international finance and investment Expo held in Beijing, Sohu Assembly sponsors found is small-famous Wang Fang, wanted her new people care about marriage and family finance problems doing a lecture.����Wang Fang see topic's eyes light up, immediately agreed. Forget food and sleep after several months of research, Wang fang has completed a nearly 20,000 word dissertation, thesis involved a number of newContent, such as how to set up the firewall family property business debt and debt, family finance law of risk prevention, and so on.����Live programming is broadcast, repercussions of intense surprise to everyone's surprise, Wang Fang truly realized that the door was open to her brand new. After this time, Wang Fang in addition to handling, always find time to study financial gap between law and marriage and family issues, major financial magazines, inheritance law, corporate law, trust law, insurance law, and so on books related to Wang Fang's Office was loaded, in order to study on home and there is no trust issues of marriage and family, she also dedicated to the support of friends from the United States, and Taiwan buys trust book research, and began to frequent contact with Finance Division, including securities firms, insurance companies, commercial banks, fund companies, and other experts in the field.���� as of today, Wang fang has been generally recognized in the financial field, some of the awards of the financial sector have also landed on her head------National Ministry of CFP Editorial Board of Experts judges, teaching material, the Ministry of finance qualifications Examinations Board trainer, national top ten financial planner contest judges, Sohu, China's financial network, national radio of the fashion and finance, and the money, guest of the public financial management consultant, and so on.����From all of us are not optimistic about marriage and family spheres, Wang Fang not only dug out her first pot of gold and have used quick capture on the market has opened up another round of heaven and Earth, her business development plans to sum up their marriage and family law into four changes, that is, from a traditional litigation to today's non-litigation business transformation, customer by citizens to the transformation of institutions, domestic business shift to international business, pure sociological integrated legal services to the service of the change. "Till today, I think that the lawyer should be a forward-looking perspective, both horizontal and vertical to the times. These four changes were I a summary of the innovation in the field of marriage and family wealth management is only one aspect of the business innovation, I also used to refer to myself as risk prevention, and because I am a lawyer, from system design and I can talk in terms of risk prevention to protect people in advance about wealth. Many people may not be good marriages field of business, but in my opinion, no matter which field is certainly has room for innovation, which requires our forward-looking vision and keen reactions. "Wang Fang told the corporate press. Wang Fang is professional in the client's eyes, Wang Fang is a business professional, approachable, professional lawyers; the audience's eyes, Wang Fang is an instrument handsome, wisdom wise star lawyer; in the peer's eyes, she is an active, innovative model for lawyers. Wang Fang in their eyes, she is a dedicated lawyer, "as a lawyer, professional is the most important, professional criteria is the most important of my life.����"To say before this seemingly simple words, Wang Fang to meditate for a long time. A few short years, from a small unknown lawyer Wang fang has completed many major leap today as the national co-Deputy Director of the National Committee in marriage and family law forum, Wang fang has led the national contract for marriage and family law service of preparation of the operational guidelines; Forum on solicitors organized by marriage law love marriage law attorneys throughout the country, and to engage in a number of major events and national conferences, forums. Wang Fang feel that the most valuable thing is participating in the judicial interpretation of the marriage law of three subject groups work "involved in legislation and law is the maximum ideal as a lawyer I, gives us the Solicitors ' profession in legislative circles have their own voice and embody our wisdom, this is my great honor.����"Now, Wang Fang tired also pleased. Today, the row is complete just in their own career aspirations, and already has a "dreamy Garden" she did not glorify it, she looks forward to her can make another leap forward. "In my at the same time, I want to be able to benefit of the entire industry and society, which is hosted by each of a lawyer by profession professional ethics and social responsibility.����"Wang Fang said, to do so.����In the all-protecting the legitimate rights and interests of women, creating a harmonious marriage of new projects, Wang fang as members of a panel of experts, many started working on the front line of women; in the training of young lawyers, Wang Fang China young lawyer Forum to participate in three consecutive sessions; in some important lectures and classes, Wang Fang did not dominate the stage, but took up the opportunity to let out all the other lawyers, even some of the important occasions an important speech. As a marriage law lawyer Wang Fang said: "a high standard of marriage law, lawyer, its highest level is not the case design is fundamentally resolve contradictions. Marriage lawsuit does not have to win and lose, as a lawyer, I would like to have the power to resolve, or at least make this marriage of organisms, in the face of rupture when giving it a hospice. Makes everyone very rational, very calm and to face this reality in the face of life in the future.����"In fact, so Wang Fang" dedication "working hard, sometimes, she played more" family therapist "role, whether new to the Palace of the young lovers, was over the middle of an old couple, Wang Fang in the case at the same time, also in persuasion, instruction and probation. Yang LAN, once said, a person's life do not have to worry so much, eighties ' just fine. Wang Fang "dedication" but did not leave her "dream garden" in the eighties ', at the time of a program with Yang LAN, Wang Fang joking with Yang Lan said, saying that you need to add a Word, eighties ' alone is good, but a person in the eighties ' at the same time, can benefit to the community that was the best thing. (Original publication legal daily journal in 2009, issue of the legal person)

