
[Reprint] investment fun---reprint _ Hongtao Wang

Categories: economic investment in the classic original address: joy of investmentsinjury lawyers orlando---reprint authors: tranquillity Zhiyuan

Investment life ennobles------speech at a stbill consolidation loan mortgage secondock market Salon Jasan francisco personal injury attorneysnn Lee I shouldn't speak a lot of today's Party, the host seemed to know I can neither smoking nor drinking, did not dare to drink coffee and tea (drink they were having trouble sleeping), so they arranged for me to speak. I compare the xbc, always in speech when others eat well drink. Please take the following wine tasting, listen to me a little investment experience. facilitator, I'm talking about is entitled "investment has brought us?" the subject is both simple and complex. Simply answer only a few words: gives us a wealth of investment, brings confidence and bring happiness and freedom. The few words I don't want to say, many stock analysts, Finance Division, fund managers, and Professor of Economics at the University than I am that good. Like they say: you can run but Liu Xiang, but you have to run across the CPI, and so on, very well said. Many of you are a successful person, I'm going to talk about today is my personal investment for many years in your career, deepest feelings: ennobles the investment life! what investment gives us a? first of all is, of course, the money, but more than just money. Especially when you've made some money, or when you were selected as a lifetime career investment. You will find that you have more good reasons to make investments.

First of all, investment can make people more happy, greatly enhance the quality of human life.

I speak here of improvement of quality of life, is not to say that investments can help you make a good car, PPL, drink maotai and seafood meal every day. I'm talking about is more pleasant in the spirit. Success of any business can greatly enhance the quality of life of people, but I'm going to talk about are stock investors unique happiness and sense of accomplishment. investments can help you in the case of some might be annoying, and remain relaxed and happy mood. To drive your gas station refueling, everyone complaining about the price of oil more expensive when you think ten years ago in Hong Kong as a five-piece of stock prices bought PetroChina, earn enough money to make you a lifetime of oil, the result is casual when you pay a lot. There you have been holding donge ejiao stocks for many years, when you know that the company had five times product price within one year, you were easily buy health food supermarket wife "solid cream" woman customer recognition of donkey-hide gelatin and casually on the scene a few words, saying that this is a doctor of Nanjing Ma Yue Ling promotion. Ͷ���������ںܶ�ʱ��Ī��������Լ��Ŀ��֡� For example, you have for many years, Yunnan baiyao stock, appears whenever a neighbor or friend accidentally cut fingers when you give Yunnan baiyao band particularly fast; in particular, you are buying the stocks of many wines, when you were at each dinner, would rather put a Chinese meal, they would rather hear voices urge SB. to drink and wine, and that the little dish eat flavor, drink can also be drunk together with other people. (Now you know why I like to watch you drinking) is one of the benefits of investment, no matter what you've learned professional, you can invest in shangpai work. Because the myriad of listed companies, in particular claims at crevice in emerging market SMEs, knowledge will always make people feel inadequate. Your comprehensive knowledge as professional as possible, the more you can showcase their talents. If you had a graduate entrepreneurs or financial professional, then you're certainly snap; even if you learn more popular, you could also flourished. A friend of my previous interest in painting and calligraphy, and he had just entered the investment front door is difference in profession makes one feel worlds apart, I advised him to study the spread of cultural industries and companies, he soon found the feeling, and companies on production e-reader with insights. investments can help you make more friends, because you have studied all the stock, so you get along well with people from all walks. If suddenly one day, you and a professional pundits together, very deeply about his profession, every friend of thousand words less, let him sit up on you; you think about it, that what you are feeling? I think will be the journey of a love song to sing: "you smiled to me last night, I started with pride!" or even, investments can make you happy to accompany my wife shopping. I know a lot of big man reluctant to accompany my wife to malls, unless you just love it. I'm unwilling to myself, I used a boutique feel dizzy. But a lot of friends tell me that engaged in investment, they are willing to go to the store. 'D also take a look at Mao-the latest prices on the market, would like to take a look at what toothpaste is selling the most expensive to see Li Ning shoes shoe shop of the shop and the Belle of the number of customers, would like to see in GOME and suning recently good. Investments also reminds you to remind the wife should have awareness of safe space, buying summer clothes in winter, summer winter clothes. benefits of investing can make travel more enjoyable. Am

Multiple friends told me that, combining tourism and investigation of listed companies, is the most economical and most ideal job and way of life. Previous travel especially travel tends to be "sleeping, get off and piss, and to take pictures and come back asking what do not know. "Investments make you traveling full, meaningful, letting you achieve everything, let your travel of higher quality. indirect investments could help you achieve unreachable wishes. A neighbor of mine used to be engaged in the hardware business owners, he said to me, "would like to open one of the best companies in China when I was young, but soon found it too difficult too unrealistic, not everyone can set up the best companies, and limited your ability, but investments can help you quickly become shareholders in China and even the world's best companies. And you most admired entrepreneurs establish links between the shareholders. Not only can you enjoy the best of everything, and can have the best of things. "I was very glad to hear. investment can bring about other industries do not have a sense of accomplishment. I am a friend of 20 years in Shenzhen not only makes a lot of money for himself, and turned over to the huge amount of stamp duty for the country. He thinks is now a lot of benefit of the State of the focus project, has its own contribution. He often emphasizes: stock investors is the next generation of the most lovely people. investment makes you feel equal. Price adjustment of all investments. No one forced you to buy the things you don't want to buy, and no one you buy publicly traded on the market. investors are never lonely. One of my friends say that investment than other industries a lover, the lover accompanies you every day, not out of topic and tricks every day, always full of fresh, that's the stock market. investments can make your body healthier. Some statistics for many investment guru's life, they live very long. Reason is, of course, as Mr Buffett has said, he goes to work every day like the Sistine Chapel paintings murals are singing, dancing goes to work. investment, of course there are many advantages, such as do not need to force your own integrity, do not need to treat a gift, you do not need other people, and people. You can do anything other than prohibited by law. Working from home or Office, travel abroad or if you do not travel, is free. Keynes quote: economic freedom is the highest realm of freedom. I've never quite understand the words. Why does economic freedom is the highest realm of freedom. It is more and more clear. Free personal freedom, freedom of marriage and the freedom to work and so on, but the economic freedom of the world's most extensive. therefore, the investor can express their feelings as Li Bai: "no high official, if only money investment is not enough". second, the investment to significantly broaden one's horizons, enriching human knowledge, and promoting the human qualities. for investors, covering various knowledge areas as possible, contribute to the investment in the course of study and reflection. From this point of view, investments will not only need to learn some economics, investments, finance enterprises in particular assess the learning of science. It would be useful to master the philosophy, psychology, history, geography, including many natural science knowledge. Some requirements increase, investors need to pay close attention to aspects of international and domestic political and economic events. Need to contact a lot of successful entrepreneurs. Need to run a lot. Need to think about a lot of things. It is clear that investment requires vision, needs to be learning and wisdom. may have a friend say, it did not want those engaged in other economic work? I think, is not the same. For example, persons engaged in an industry that he may only concern one's own company, up to focus solely on this industry trend, not too concerned about others. Investors care about all of the businesses and industries, because many of the listed companies, spread across many industries in many countries, involving all aspects. National conditions in each country are different, individual enterprises, the fundamentals are not the same, in every industry features, the law does not. This does not mean that investment works even more remarkable than others, but because the investment in this industry has its own characteristics. What industry needs to focus and inputs. Other business may be more effort needs to be focused on a point or a line, while the investor needs as full as possible an in-depth look at a number of areas of knowledge and time. Germany investor Kos de la said: investors do not need to be well versed in anything but what you need to understand. one of my entrepreneur friend turned very mixed feelings after the investment, said that the previously opened factories for decades was 3.1 lines every day, home-------------factory door customer, never to touch other industry; investment now, and discovered there are hundreds of thousands of industry in the world, these colorful, changing. Know what industry can be divided into a steady growth, cyclical industry, fixed-income sectors of industry, as well as the full competition and monopoly industries, then I am afraid that as early as a few decades ago had tried, pretexts to maotai liquor factory work or CCTV. This friend is not as extensive as Rogers to invest abroad. State of the global stock market there are dozens of, together with more than 90,000 listed companies, even if you are interested in research on the part of the industry and representation of companies, it is also very broaden the perspective. the key is that investment was money job, just like live working on electrical high-voltage line, it gives you stress, tension, fear of loss, thus forcing you to learn and to improve. Investor research efforts and College Professor of Economics, finance and investments are different. He seemed to generals in the war, with the capital composition of army, map out a strategy, for many things in real life and practice of research closer to the actual, more in depth, so there's more to learn get a good grasp of it. investment makes people more concerned about international and domestic events, more concerned with one's own motherland�� Because you want to invest in listed companies have a better economic environment, want their share increases with the growth of the country's economic strength, and hope that their homeland is more powerful, but do not want the country's economic development be hindered. You're more willing to look at the daily news, more concerned about the price, more concerned about people's livelihood, but does not want war, and that stable and peaceful development. Makes people more love for the motherland of investment, as investors and the stock market tongmingyun, the stock market and the State tongmingyun. Even though people like Soros like air, like searching for a weak link in the chain of national economy, he is the hope that the United States strong. investments were purified by the mind of man. I was in more than one occasion, heard the unit in their discussions, can purchase tobacco company or its shares in the company of serious pollution, the kind of social responsibility so AWE; see on more occasions, when the great enterprises of the stocks in their discussions, eyes glittering, vigorous and make people feel they have a large our image. investment makes people more willing to read. Take myself as an example, when I was studying at the University of Economics is one of the main course, but I could not read, and every subject are exam, average scores. However, in 1999, turned to the value of investments in the last ten years, I have read thousands of investment-related books, than College are more than 10 times of the year. Sometimes even sprouting out an ambition, wants to be half an economist. I used to hear what GDP, M2, open market operations, business, future free cash flow in the middle term headaches, tired of the sight of financial statements, only remember one Engel coefficient. Because I was so little money, eating with my life or death. Now I'm caught up in talking about financial data and economic terms, not think boring. I wrote some papers, reflecting all aspects of basic is sure. investment in people as well. "Investing in stocks is to invest in the future." Only a good future to return high. Mr Buffett quote: If you do not want to hold a stock for 15 years, and that you will not hold it for a minute. We strive to imagine 15 years within a company is still very strong. To the valuation method of diverse, what price/earnings ratios, price/book value ratio, and Price to Sales Ratio, city, city of Red rates, city crime rates, and so on, but the most important discussion on the future free cash flow of the company. You must care about future products and services of the company expanded in could sales, prices rise, is able to control future costs, future competition is more intense, the future consumer trends industry trends and what are the major changes, market or how much space you have in the future, future national policies such as tax, license, franchise, what adjustments. You will often want to something beyond 2030, China's per capita income of what happened when they reach more than $ 20,000. One of my famous friend, Mr danbin said: "investment is farther than the who". I think he's saying it too well. If this sentence is the better of me. deep investments make people think. Looking for excellent enterprise of stock, you want to find a Pearl on the Crown, you have to be well thought out. Artistic conception that kind of work that looks like the Tang poet Lu Yanrang yin, a poem said: "Yin on a Word, twisting off a few stems". When you review its holdings nearly ten years and lucrative stock, both proud and solemn mood, it's easy to think of poets Jia DAO feelings: "two sentences of three years, one yin and all my tears flow. "I believe the value investor, and long term investors who has such an experience:" pick a unit, running two broken legs "(as my young friends in Shenzhen Zhai Jingyong, a few years running a myriad of listed companies)," pick a unit is better than reading ten years! " investment makes people more willing to reflection to deepen understanding of things. Read philosophy for four years when I was young, many philosophical principles have not fully understand, much more experience than I am now reading book one day, because there is no personal experience to experience. Experienced more than 10-year investment career, better able to understand what a world, what is a methodology, and what is through the phenomena of nature, what is the road to simplified and cope with shifting events by sticking to a fundamental principle [policy], and in the art of war "and then" these valuable truth. In turn, are more able to understand the value of final prices, stocks followed by the company, good stocks of the company to do such a simple truth. Better able to understand why good corporate long-term holders. In particular, you can make full use of the basic principles of philosophy to analyse a wide variety of investments methods and ideas, what beauty theory, technical analysis, value investing, efficient markets, and so on, as well as economic moat, consume exclusive, competitive advantage, business models and more concept, really get rid of, discard the dross and select the essential purpose. Realm that fun is really wonderful. look at many of Buffett's speech will find him level top not only in terms of Economics, investments, while superb on the study and application of probability, in philosophy, history, literature and even the United States also has a deep knowledge of country music, he was also a thinker. Investment to a lot of people become a little thinker. Do you think that many investors now has its own blog, the level of improving every day. One of my friend's daughter, said his boyfriend after crush on investments, write every day investing blog, blog more write a more advanced, more passionate, better than written a love letter. I blurted out that should also be the case, she listened to laugh or cry. in short, investing more and more quality, more insight. Better knowledge and understanding of complex world wide. having said that, there may be some friends would say, how could I do invest does not have these feelings? I think it may be that your time is not long enough, experienced enough, did not develop deep thinking habits. There may be investment methodology out of the problem. You'd better not by listening to messages, to conform to do stock; do not get rich quick, too often fried dash; not to overdraft debt, fear to do investments. Best not to use technical analysis methods, in particular the bit combination of fundamental researchPurely technical methods. All day long in front of a computer deal with charts, lines, symbols, and whirlpool only these things, the fundamentals of the enterprise and the one who loves you not feel at all, just like a person keep old to eat instant noodles, vulnerable to malnutrition. Suggest you applying value investing methods enrich their own, traveling thousands of miles, read thousands of books, think of the world, justice in the world. Yourself on the macro economy, national policies, industry features, business has a comprehensive and in-depth research. Their days Highlands in width, a universal, eye long-term, extraordinary artistic conception, let us get increased sublimation of life. Ͷ�ʵı��ʾ��DZ�˭�и����֣����˼�룡лл��ң�ף��λ���µ�һ����֪ʶ��Ƹ���ɣ����鹲����һɫ��2011��1��18�����Ϻ��ֶ�½����

