
Clearance _ people talking to Dr Wang Yu and old Professor science

Categories: Masters of clearancbill consolidation loan mortgage seconde areas for old professors talk to Dr Wang 2010-5-19 17:12:12 source: Chinese classics netwoinjury lawyers orlandork
Dr Wang bottlenecks on the recent children to recite the teaching, Professor wants to clear the old effects. Clearance old Professor Australia Griffith University Honorary Professor, Australia visiting Professor, University of Queensland. Under the initiative to contact Mr Wen Jinhai, August 8, 2004, Professor Dr Wang and Wen Jinhai specially called on the clearance of old, and old Professor Yi. Dr Wang saw old professors, immediately to the old professor is bowed. Following are areas for old, Professor Dr Wang and Wen Jinhai transcript: reading records in Sage, recite your temperature in the way of sages implementation in daily life: win today, two large German here. Professor: where is where I really Don ' t deserve this, and I really Don ' t deserve this. Dr Wang: Professor, Westerners, they have their good things. Professor: Yes, it's now also a serious problem, and is as modern science and technology, who want to conquer nature. Dr Wang: in fact, these two aspects can be coordinated, are both simultaneously. Professor: not easy! Wang: is the human heart to read, people read it is difficult to control. Professor: Yes, very difficult, difficult where? if they can put the known benefits, these problems are easily solved. But today they are known good, it is necessary to do smell good, you have to fight against his famous Lee, you are his enemy, he would not cooperate with you, the problem here. Dr King: so you want to start early education. Professor: taught since childhood, now actually have difficulties in society is a darangang, how can you put these children would not let him contaminated? now United States nearly all children affected by pollution, play computer, the computer always teach people know evil evil. He first-year elementary school on the use of computers, so all three or four grades have been contaminated. I estimate that United States 30 years later, the society will be a serious problem, his next-generation do? I have in the United States gave them warnings, the things you want to pay attention to, but now no one spoke. Children to recite the key to success or failure: parents and teachers, and lead by example. Temperature: so now the King of the teacher when he was promoted from small, give children cultural essence of things to learn. Professor: Yes, Yes, the essence of things, but he is not easy to keep his contact with society is in trouble. You taught him in kindergarten, he went to primary school, when problems come, to high school when a complete denial. When he goes in modern society (utilitarian community), everyone is striving to compete, you ask him does not compete, give up fame and fortune, it is a Saint, not mere mortals, our Buddhist say, he is the Messenger. Dr Wang: now you can train a number of resist the pollution, the so-called people with immune capability sth Professor: no easy task. Wang: no easy task. Professor: we think so, so my idea was running, from kindergartens to universities, research institutes, a complete school. All students live on campus, managed by the school teacher, he has 20 years of pollution for a long time is not subject to community, this is the only way. But after training to two dozen years, can we can resist the fame and fortune after leaving school, five to six dust, temptation of wealth-eat sleep? good! this thing it is not easy. |||| Now taught since childhood, where the problem lies? parent fails to match, the teacher fails to match. At the age of six, I have had short-term private schools of education, when you're home, education ties for four months. All these years not affected by the pollution in the world, is four months old-style private schools and education, I am impressed. Family education important, I'm a parent from three years of teaching, examples of parents, and children, teachers are examples of students. Speak of the disciples of regulation, the disciples are not asking you to read the rules, was called you to do. Zizijuju, habit, life does not contradict, this successful, every rule your life. Gu Yun: "teach baby. "Parental influence is too large, equivalent to children to their parents. Teaching today is not successful, parents do not follow, a child, you teach people to learn, why don't you do it? teaches people, why don't you do it? his doubts. Now children are smarter, every day watching television, he issues a lot, he ask you parents you can teach me to do, why don't you do it?, Dr King: but there are situations, of course, is one of the few, there is the case, the little child is still too much to say that you did something wrong. He, in turn, slowly sth Old Professor, is, in turn, done wrong, is slowly, slowly watching, wrong is right, wrong, he slowly to see is this. Why? he look at what everyone is doing, "jifeichengshi", and you alone to do so, it's very hard to survive. What to do? you want to have a very strong willpower, and teaching it well. Temperature: we now only about planting, our seeding, planting fields, there may be one or two, and three tree is sth Professor: Yes, Yes, you want to have 100,000 people a success, your merit with joy. You can't expect more than 100,000 people, there is a success. But this one you have to remember that his parents have to cope with, parents do not tie, success is very small. So while we were taught, like the disciples of regulation, it is important to parents with their children to learn, pay attention to this. You love your child, you'll have to give him the way. Do you think of my most memorable is that Chinese Confucianism teaches people, and it is "honor". Filial piety and respect their teachers, and teachers, this is the root. I went to school to study private schools was six years old, is very small, my father took me to worship the teachers (teachers of private schools). Private schools are located in the ancestral hall, main hall of the temple to worship the great sage a spirit tablet of Confucius. First to the Kong Zihang thrice kneeling and nine times bowing, courtesy of the heaviest of the Qing dynasty, it was 21. Thanks to the Seat of honour after the teacher, my father in front of me in the back, thrice kneeling and nine times bowing to his teacher, and teachers. Parents, is to teach children, this is a show for children to see, this impression will alwaysDown in the hearts of children. My parents were teachers respect, so develop a respected teacher in my life, regardless of what school towards teachers, I would like as a child, parents teach us the way. Indian Everbright teacher speaks well, "a desan francisco personal injury attorneysar one point interest, great respect great interest", these words we all these years, real benefits. Our respect for the teacher, great respect for, and teaches a group of students, we have great interest, the rest only to two or three points, not the same. Show if my parents didn't give me .... If you taught us how to respect, it is necessary to make way for children to see. Temperature: convincing people not taking the ... Professor: Yes, which parents can now practice? tutor now is gone, now children without our happy childhood. I have no private schools, change to short primary school, the etiquette is not a really is not so much a generation to generation, which made me very mixed feelings. My brother's small was six years old, he did not see, I went to private schools, my brother still no birth certificate renewal more than 2000 years of Chinese tradition of teaching: teach the way, your old professors: Taichung Teacher Li, I spoke to him for ten years, his teaching is completely comply with tradition since ancient times, traditional thinking, the traditional way. Tradition is what actually? is simple, the three character classic, the previous eight words: "at the beginning of life, are naturally good" this idea to be sure you dedicated to the teaching of students, and all that human nature is good enough. You have to be sure, is no evil in the world, everyone is good. How could he became poor? because "similar, XI Xiang Yuan". Habit, habits are contaminated, become so poor, so more and more far away. "If not taught, sex will leave you. Way to teach your spot ", which is very important. How do you teach? "spot", which is 2000 years of the most important guiding principles for teaching. Lee teachers taught us years ago, we follow his learning by teaching only a, wanted to learn two, the teacher not teach, he is "an in-depth, long Shi Xun". On Buddhist scripture speaks very well, speaking of the Diamond Sutra: "method of equal, no more high. "As long as a depth, reach out to a certain extent, intelligent open. For example, say you the five fingers is a five-door, you start from any one, as long as deep into your hands, fingers all-pass, all through. If a door without access all method, is enough for you, just as you are aware of fingers go on, how can you go without catching focus. So he taught students to "drill down", are very strict. When I went to the table with him, worship him as a teacher, he opened the three conditions. The first condition is that, do you follow me, from this day forward listening can only listen to one, any Professor of Germany are not allowed to listen to the lecture. Second, starting from today you see the text, regardless of the Buddhist scriptures, read books, I agree, I don't agree that you are not allowed to see. Third, you have learned before and I do not recognize, are set aside to learn from scratch. I accept the teacher According to the doctrine, or method, I didn't know until after more than 30 years, this is the Chinese since ancient times "Apprentice" method. Teachers responsible for the student must bring you out, term is five years, must be fully obeyed within five years. Really, this approach is to give up, he will, wisdom and completion of the three, your eyes are not allowed to see, and ears are not allowed to listen to, your heart has gradually settled down. Real results after three months, and why? wild fancy little. Six months after the very obvious, intelligent long trouble light, this method is good, really do not have previously thought. So a teacher is one way, two roads of two teachers, three teachers fork, four teachers crossroads, how did you learn? read too, two-door two-channel, three three courses. So he said, "an", that really makes sense! after a mastery, to a certain depth, I have the ability to distinguish between real jump, when evil is, is, is completely liberated. What people say you can listen, any book can be seen, this is after achievements you have wisdom. "Wisdom," said: "the wisdom of ignorance. "Train your ignorance (ring, fixed, and Hui), a contact and then you're out there, naturally" know everything ", then" the wisdom of ignorance, omniscience ". Omniscience is your real smart work, work is omniscient; does not work are ignorant, pure-hearted spotlessly clean, and that is to give up, fixed, and wisdom. Withdrawal, will, wisdom is a three, three, it's not three things, which is integration into one, you really useful. Even if you do not have contact with, people talk, naturally so can answer, you don't have to learn. Temperature: by the way, Professor at that time why do you have so much confidence and courage to accept the cultivation of teacher Li? old Professor: this is my primary school, for me is my father, knock three heads to his teacher to teach respect for my life. My philosophy is talking to Mr Fang Dongmei, my Dharma is introduced. Tell me when the philosophy, the final unit is the Buddhist philosophy, and he told me: "Buddhist philosophy is the philosophy of the world's highest peak. "He told me:" the Buddha is highest enjoyment of life. "These two words bring me into Buddhism, otherwise I'm very exclusive Buddhism has always been, I think it is superstition. So did not think there is such a good thing, because you can't see out there, Temple is not visible, monks speak out. So he this introduction, I walked a few temples in Taipei, later often go to society Temple, rehabilitation of temple there was a "taixu library", where to find Scripture. I read the Scriptures, there is a problem I ask the teacher, I consult Akiyoshi masters. I'm Akiyoshi master for three years, my real Foundation, the foundation of Buddhism is master of Akiyoshi to lay, to teacher Li will have achievements. If there is no master of Akiyoshi three years of training, teacher Li no, this is respect for fruit. Now society is different from the past, people thin, is the breath-taking your little slander you. You said I talked to Mr, defamation of a lot of people, defamation of Akiyoshi masters, defamation Li is also a lot of people. I did not shake the confidence, respect, it is very important; your confidence shaken, teachers have doubts, you Burn one's fingers. Firm, others say poor teachers how, I do not see, I told him, this confidence is more important than anything. Teachers, really spot masterSay: "share sincerely propose a share interest, very honest: here's to great interest". Learn the Sutra teaches, to specialize in. So my teacher Li in Taichung for ten years, only five of the ten years, five others half completed, my five classics in ten years. A documentary following the completion of, the teacher can, and can learn one. Four are small part of my learning: of the Anan asked Buddha good or ill luck, thin, five pieces of paper, and is no longer the Amitabha Sutra; more weight the bestow favor widely; 5,000 words of the Diamond Sutra, the four young. Finally learn a portion, of the Surangama Sutra, for ten years. Temperature: you are in the avatamsaka Sutra sth Professor: no, study and education cannot be left to practice, solutions, and, as long as there is a certain degree of deed into, it will pass. I now speak of the Hua-yen, according to the current progress of approximately 20,000 hours, talked in great detail. Past me on the dozens of species, when article zizijuju are now non-semantic, so really, learning must thoroughly. Tudier en vue d ' acqu the greatest obstacle, I always tell young people about, do not get rid of this disorder, even on the sides are stains do not. Must be decided without selfishness, no known benefit, without dust five to six enjoyment, there is no corruption Tian crazy slow, you can lease to. This is the first obstacle tudier en vue d ' acqu, you cannot break through this gateway, you will not be useful. Most can, after the classics you can trust, you can understand, you know, implemented according to teach in their daily lives followed, lines after certificate. You have no choice but in depth. In depth, you have to put down. My "down the insight" is the Akiyoshi masters taught me, I first met with him on the first day, I said, Fang Dongmei introduce the Dharma well, is there any methods will soon be able to lease the? he told me, "see through put down", you're in. I say, where to start?, he said, "give". Care anything, anything can care, physical and mental worlds all residents out. This is difficult, very difficult. In particular, this colorful world, these monks with me for a dozen years, every day I hear lecture was put down, what use is it? remember some terms, no change in the thinking and behavior, and may not be useful. Inspired by Confucianism, Buddhism is smart, smart opened after natural links, so start small work from here, it is important to parents (really good parents) in conjunction with the teaching. Our home style very quickly, is a "Tongcheng", in three areas: the lujiang, and Tongcheng, and shucheng. This probably is sanshiji km to three places, is the old city, mostly Chinese Confucianism, so the style is flourishing, children will read any books in the country. Many private schools, private schools in the temple. Temperature: adult, Professor, you give them to expound the texts of Buddhism, let them understand; kids, teach you how to explain? old professors: kids should start from the disciples of regulation, from the disciples gauge, and the start of the three character classic. The three character primer is an introduction to Chinese academic, the disciples gauge is Mandarin. So today I'll show the family, family can't quit? Dharma is the most basic ring the three refuges, the five precepts, ten good, why do it, why people do it? once upon a time man vows of a monk, bodhisattva vows it's hard to hold, but the basic novices to give up, why not? is tutor up as a child of the root. Modern small or not, also no one advocates not only no one advocates, don't see the precepts, could not hear the ring. So now I teach families start from the disciples of regulation, and the disciples read the Board for two years, two years starting from scratch. You can't do that, it's fake, really is a two-year time regulation implementing the disciples. This is how to learn basic education of the Buddha, the next ring is not difficult at all. So I was teacher taught my old Lee, Australian school program is a nine-year, two years ahead is to lay a Foundation, focus is tudier en vue d ' acqu disciples of the Board, the three refuges, the five precepts, ten good industry road, the monks of legal instrument. My requirement is that these things, not less, is be sure to look like a two years. Tudier en vue d ' acqu must have a basic concept, you have to recognize fame harmful dust, five to six harmful, it is necessary to lay down. We do not provide names, not for profit, we have only one direction, one goal, that is, surviving paradise. We learn from the Buddha, not to learn from people, and learned from the people you are wrong. The exalted one has taught us "four camera law", is generally between the four intake process, is now saying is the PR method, communication method, and the communicative approach is "giving, loving words, Riko, colleagues". The final "colleagues" of this article, I said that once upon a time people were members of the public, heguangtongchen; now is not the same, now with the members of the public does not fall, you decide the temptation. Now we want to talk to colleagues of the Buddha, bodhisattva colleagues, colleagues can't talk to people. Introduced me to other religions, I say that you want to talk to colleagues, God and God of my colleagues, you can't talk to one of my colleagues. Temperature: we learn how to make a Word, it is necessary to "Sage friend as a teacher, classic". Professor: Yes, Yes, this is right, the right decision. You see my 53 years, I do not have one day left, I read every day. But I'm told by many ancient fails to comment, I fully speak in real life, we accept the classical teachings of the Guide, how to live, work, and how to conduct interpersonal skills. Dr Wang: cultivating young people now have a lecture? Li as before the teacher training you? old Professor Lecture difficult, it is not easy, not easy. Where the problem lies? is put down, selfishness, and this is a handicap. So I was able to master of Akiyoshi, I follow him when he was training me to be able to sacrifice, to be able to sacrifice oneself for others, it is to learn from him. Dr Wang: children now, children begin to recite, this group grows and perhaps some people can train, future sth Professor: blessing of all sentient beings, you see country leaders, people are blessed, a leader in good; people have no blessing, the leader of the problem, and all the industry. Dr Wang: now mainland Yes, continents and several of their minds and now open. Professor: Yes, Buddha said, "business sense", this relationship is very large. So there's a lot of people ask me, I persuaded him to his efforts to repair the Germany, asking someone to break an evil good, and country naturally out of wise leadership and community solidarity. If it is only from the outside it is difficult to find, there is no such reason. Dharma is not from the outsideGu, Dharma from seeking, from mind and seek, responsive. Dr Wang: now I would like to, that is, older people, he more or less accepted previously taught or environmental impact, but this time to take root, it is difficult to tie very deep. Starting from the child to his roots, in future, if his intelligence itself is high, he can guard against these pollution, he himself became a man of pure. Or is that because people who read a lot, lot of people read these books, we have each other (this can be considered) total industry growth well. If he or they are pointing, more people Foundation has been pointing, such opportunities are also relatively large. Professor: community is very rare in China now, a lot of people have been enlightened, have begun to change. I arrived in Beijing recently, I heard that Central had orders to television, movie sex and violence are not permitted to broadcast on prime-time. So put some old film his positive educational films could not be found to fill the time, and old films, Benchang You tell me that he had moved out of the JI Gong repetition. Play old films can now have a little educational value, this is a very good turn for the better. so I thought, I initially to Hong Kong's lecture was in 1977, told me about four months. Two months in the peaceful old Boundary Street, Kowloon, Professor of Chinese Buddhist library, two months after the Blue Pool Road in Hong Kong life bright Hall of ye old monk, was told of the Surangama Sutra. Because the library see video on publishing classics, masters of video is spot, print well, little typo, is rare in modern times. It is many things, I'm extremely surprised, the fansixun, and the induction compilation of articles, the Oz book three of the many components, I gave it a little math, from the copyright page, total volume of more than 3 million copies of these three books. In those times (two dozen years the Republic of China), India and so many of the book is very surprising. |||| Indian Buddhist scriptures are not such a big number of Buddhist scriptures are 2000 volumes, 3,000 books, SI��wuqiance, is not such a big number. So I was thinking for a long time, guess, thinking and want to find, he advocated cause-education in order to save the catastrophe. Messed up in this society, Confucianism too late, Buddhism will be too late. If we can really understand the causal theory and fact, then you read natural convergence, which will be able to receive rescue Rob effect. So he promote, inter alia, causes, I deeply feel the old monk well intentioned. Today's social disaster more obvious, too need to cause-education, so I think he why printing is so much stuff. But the Chinese people are still too many, and the classical style of the text although it is very simple, and now people can't read. So I think it should be made into TV series, TV shows to reach the cause and purpose of education, this is the real Buddha's deep well. Where can I find a teacher now fully obeyed students? could not be found. So I knew, the ancients said, "the road to teachers, in case of not seeking", and it's not easy. Students leave. Truly compliant teacher instruction, honest people to implement really implemented, really benefit from it. So now the most important is the Professor of the public understand the "filial respect", which is fundamental. "Filial respect" is what the disciples rules root, the disciples where the spirit of the rules. Therefore, we attach great importance to, and didn't learn this lesson, lesson suspended first to take this lesson to learn. Idea to be clear, to be sure, all the instruction to do so. Although not easy, example is an example of my own, I was doing. All of you I feel envy, you'll do as I do, my method is very simple, no trouble at all, is very simple. Human heart cannot pollute the most important, the heart does not pollute, and natural health of your body and mind. So when I go out, with some people in the world, the image is less likely to have. They were (persons participating in the Conference at the United Nations) age is younger than me, I'm 78, another two years to 80 years old, and they were standing next to me, is a small, small small teens aged 20, 30 years old; they seem to feel older than me, their physical strength failed me. This would convince them, which he accepted, and I said, this is my teacher taught me that, Buddhism is the enjoyment of the highest life; and I say, I am very grateful teacher, life enjoyment that I have found. It's true, you can permit, you don't really learn you can't get. So basic there is nothing of the Dharma: the three refuges, the five precepts, ten good governance. But the three refuges and the five precepts, ten good disciples of regulation basis. So the disciples learned not only when the primary school after the Board, will do one day live day. You can't leave from primary school to die of old age, it is important to observe this rule, are good for your body and decisions. So I think the disciples of regulation as well as building, which is the steel frame, frame. Skeleton, and other courses of study that is then slowly added, great looking, it would be nice. Wang: I am a kindergarten in mainland China to do it this way, it slightly difficult to primary school. Professor: slowly, do when upgrading to a primary school in kindergarten, primary school and then promoted to secondary school, slowly. Educate parents of the child shall bear full responsibility for Kone in conjunction with teachers. With others, irresponsible Wang: I've always wanted to do it now, there are certain things you can do sth The first fetal education, starting from the antenatal instruction, it is rooted in education, child zero to three years. This comparison, but now parents said that the precept than example, example will be parents, parents have been rotten, how education? so we always have to think of a way, that is, parents do not have knowledge, moral high enough sth Old professor to teach, teach! Dr King: he also taught Latin, persons of high moral character? how? to teach him a simple way, or that sent him to the nanny over there, so I have an idea is to have the classics of fetus and "fetal education". The nannies of nanny classics, is nanny doesn't need to be learned, but she can let students see (tutorial CD), to nanny home don't watch TV all day. Some nannies to play mahjong with other people's children, then the child in nurse there for three years, three years old, his schooling was broken, so this must tell parents to find a good babysitter. Next came the kindergarten, Is good at actually taught in kindergarten, when he has a strong ability to learn in kindergarten. But now the kindergarten teaching him some very silly things, nothing can teach him that'll teach him to play. Kindergarten will be able to do so, I'm in recent years, the results of the experiment, in fact, three-year kindergarten will be able to "four books" back-end, back end Laozi. Kindergarten will be laying the Foundation for his first literary scholarship; the second, if kindergarten teacher said to the disciples such rules to require him to the Board, it came to 5 or 6 years old when they already have a look. From grade one to six grade of primary school, now primary school grade one to six years of work in Taiwan with the Mainland, particularly mainland China is doing very heavy, is that students learn is difficult, go home and do a lot of homework, some of them are ten points and 11 points to be able to sleep. Busy, busy every day every day, but free for six years, what he learned is very small, rather than four months before you. Learn six years rather than four months, did you see this education is not wasted? influence is starting from the text, word steeped in is to get him to read, is to read it, go back. He read much, more or less can be moved by these classics, sage advice. Teaching teachers to parents, according to my experience, teachers tell parents to read with children when the parents are able to work, he can also be enlightening. Teachers in this situation, the classic atmosphere, parents are in the atmosphere. So is the adults who accompany the children, adults with children grow up together. Now I want to have to use this method, especially the education of children is able to spread quickly. The last ten years, probably in mainland China to Taiwan, as well as overseas a few overseas, there are roughly 10 million children receive the education. Say, 100,000 people if there is a stand out, he is a mainstay. So now I have a sense of urgency, is to vigorously promote such education. This is from the child began to give him the influence of classical, classical music, including classical art, there are those of classic articles, books, and even physical training. Physical fitness, and now I'm going to promote from child began his training in training in martial arts, ZAZ seated position or yoga, than in the West to go play ball on physical training effect is better. Like this is (will be) a classic, (to be) one of the most valuable, the best thing for the children. Text actually speaking to him, the ancient Chinese education is to give good things to you, ask not know do not know; Westerners are taught sentence and asked you don't understand this sentence, have understood the sentence and then teach the next sentence. Professor: Chinese traditional teachings, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism are the same, for beginners is to cultivate its fundamental wisdom. This is a lot of sense, is the completion of the withdrawal, will, wisdom and three studies, so this is the real foundation of the teaching. Students observe the teacher guides the way to learn is to give up, to obey the law. What do teachers teach you, you decided to keep pursuing, is not contrary to; you wholeheartedly, and concentrate on the inside is revised; told you to read a book (the ancients read by this method), you read this book, read it very well, missing sentences, not read that wrong, never read not read upside down, this is wisdom, which is "the wisdom of ignorance", which is the fundamental wisdom. Only require students to complete to recite it, remember, learn a second after the completion of this, it is not possible at the same time two of this. At the same time learn a few things, energy dispersed, destruction of will power, spirit won't willpower not to focus on learning outcomes. This is how I Miss LI learned over there, this is China's traditional education. So my interest in Taichung is very high, very happy, really have a sense of accomplishment. I follow Lee taught at that time, a student can learn once, each student is different, our students have to listen to. Taichung, I guest student, did not turn to me, because I was the last entry. He has more than more than 20 students, I am finally going to, learning is in descending order, so there is no turn to me. But my ability is strong, I am a good memory, good understanding. So I'm listening to the teacher talks about things, and the next day will be able to complex stresses. I can talk about 95%, told him, it's possible to do does not increase not decrease, has this ability. Learn so quickly, he taught students, students didn't learn, I have learned. Our teacher teaches, teaches, is very simple, you all absorption, you didn't understand, he will not tell you once again. So he calls you and beat you, you do not tell you, you can't. Is not to say that after playing is for you also explain, was not told. This point is to teach you to listen, learn who suffers, and difficult. So there I was teaching assistant, they will not come to me at all times, so I'm a lot of help to students in the class. The teacher is very strict, and is not decided to force you not pay attention. Learning by teaching you all must be absorption, you're in no mood for eating during the learning process, eat do not know what, you are having trouble sleeping at night, full absorption. Learning time is too short, long, and teaching staff. But there is a difficult place these people he has family, work, and they were all his work, work is more difficult. I also work at that time, so determined to monks. People say, why don't you monk? I said, I'm no monk could not keep up with. I said, the teacher has taught for ten years, I if a monk, do not work, there are at least ten hours a day learning; when I work, I have to work eight hours, at most three hours a day. So I said, I think for this reason, be sure to put the work down, concentrate on learning. My words are fulfilled, two years really catch up. Learning methods to gather forces to pull, the most important thing is to have interests, have faith, to have hearts with joy, to act with. Analects head saying, "when to learn and a pleasure, not also saying" your music, other people cannot stop you, you do not need to persuade you, you will success, so this is the "specialized". So then I thought, our school of education design failed, what's the cause? methods are wrong. School for a semester and six subjects, you get six subjects are divided into six stages, like the six-week, a week dedicated to learn this, two weeks to learn it. Six subjects at the same time six months at the end, not the same, with his head for a week to focus on. You are now on the six separate subjects Meanwhile, lastCome together for this course, following the session, his mind, and suffered heavy losses. Teaching in China thousands of years of experience, worldwide second home could not be found. China is not does not teach you to read, but separated from it, it is not a science. Is a record is not complete, not of the second part, and then really is the Ministry of works. This is a wise man learn three, five, others don't pass; ten medium-human science, the eight-way, nothing is learned can access and clear. I told the teacher to learn which five, others by teaching study. The Hua-yen Sutra, I have only heard him speak volumes, 80 lectures, I listen to a volume, after listening to a volume, followed by naturally knows how to teach. Dr Wang: the principle is the same. Professor: the same, the law Hua Jing I didn't listen to the teacher, I speak of the Wah effect that Act points barrier at all. So is the need to concentrate, which is more important than what; can't mess, there is no effect, you have no access to everything, decides not to simultaneously learn a few doors. Teacher is very strict with this article, you learn both to no avail. Dr Wang: it is hidden in order to become a dragon-like in the future people of Dharma. So it is to build up training but also from the beginning. Your opportunities so great, can actually be propaganda. Professor: I was all over to introduce these concepts, ideas, opinions, really in the cognitive, geology, medicine is the rescue of robbery games. Once through, they were all through, bite off more than one can chew Wang: regardless of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism three, really, to study the so-called classics, like Confucius is ", the history, the son, and set", our Buddhism is the "Threefold Canon classics". At least five or six, a dozen all in the mind, so play big. So, like the Tibetan (Tibetan) who has not recovered yet, they are also changing. Buddhist monks of the three, method inside the classics, if there are Ming Shi Lai pointing, he will really be able to close intelligence. So I made this classical studies textbook textbooks, besides Confucian, Taoist and some literature (poetry), and I made up a Sutra, now also on board, there is no publication. I think it takes both the disciples of the Buddha was not a disciple of the Buddha, in fact, this intelligence is shared, this is all sentient beings have in common, not only relates to whether you believe in Buddhism to learn. So everyone has at least some important texts, is to learn. We now have a very strange idea is about our kids reading classics in the West. Now is the classic English children to read, because you have to understand the West, this is one way. So Westerners rarely read them now classic, classic model we do to read them, I would like to lead people in the West, they are starting to pay attention to them since the ancient classic. This classic, I have two standards to think first, human, human nature is a positive thing. The second, is that it spread long ago, is affecting the human heart is very heavy, like their Bibles, there are many human communities acknowledge this spirit of fraternity, of Jesus, "Erigeron breviscapus Po training", which also teaches honor, love, loving neighbor and loving world. Like their literary works (some poems), there are some of their modern political ideas, like the United States Declaration of independence. United States now that they lost their founding spirit, they should back their founding spirit, intelligence found in Washington. So I said, like Chinese children studying at an early stage, as this kind of thing (United States Declaration of independence), let them know that United States founding time, is also a very conscientious, you can say, better to train. I pick up for the people of the West again returned, if from a Western classic, in fact, if you want to educate them, teach them to next-generation, if the next generation from the book of wisdom, the wisdom of their ancestors started, started, after their children better to train, and even they will be able to have an independent. When I lecture, clear space for a lot of people have said that he was listening to Professor brought children to recite the shadow, so he more likely to accept the idea that children should be taught as a man of virtue. But there are a few parents told me that, if my child to read the classics, and his future if you make a good man, did he not being bullied? someone asked this question. Professor: ATV Sau Sun Ho of Hong Kong to visit me, have raised this issue. Proverbs he says the community often say, "man for himself, the hindmost" selfish, he stated that it is legitimate. I told him that this sentence mislead many many people will no longer be said later. I told him, I said that Confucius had not for ourselves, did not kill him, nor his, later so many people respected him; Shakyamuni Buddha, Jesus did not own, so there is a problem with this sentence. I said, my life, access to Sage education, I am not for ourselves, never thought for themselves, it also didn't kill me, nor against me, I live life happy, very good. Turmoil in the world I am not afraid, you have many worries cares, great trouble in mind, my heart clean, spotless, it is a fact that proves that you say is wrong. This thing, so printing gurus advocate causality for books, not to say anything else, the fansixun of his are the most strongly. Convinced that causes of the fansixun, "yiyinyizhuo, is the former". Today you have wealth, no matter what method you use, are life; does not have in your life, steal steal, Rob also get less, steal, and steal there is life there. You need to know, since your life, you don't have these illegal means, you get is a normal, 10 billion in your life, from the 10 billion. If you had used improper means you already lose money in business, from discounted, only half of you shall come, and you yourself think that great, you don't know half of you lose money in business. If you are a charity, can often be social, for the sake of others, your 10 billion may be doubled, and more. Do you read every day, all the Word-add, subtract, multiply, little good and evil is plus or minus, of good and evil is the multiplication and Division. If everyone is aware of this truth, the ancient Chinese speaks well: "the gentleman was walking gentleman, bad people are treated unjustly small people. "You'll fight, fight for what? does not compete. This is the "Froude responsive", which is early Akiyoshi gurus tell me and teaching me. Where wealth came from? money to give, the more careMore; clever smart, by giving alms; health and longevity, fearless Busch. You just have to take these three give, what you aspire after fortune, smart, intelligent, there must have been. I tudier en vue d ' acqu Akiyoshi masters taught me, I studied for 53 years. My first, a monk teacher, see masters of Akiyoshi family is seen on the first day, he'll teach me the first day, I'll teach pursued. When I was younger, Fortune-visit physiognomies says there is no money, no money in my life, life is very hard, it is smart enough, and ephemeral. So three things both lack, but fortunately there is a little bit of wisdom, accepts the teacher's words. I was well done, I am not seeking wealth, nor finding life, fortune teller I'm 45 years old life is gone, I'm approaching 80, which was built in this life. Gan Zhu living Buddha told me, he said, is your blessing, was built in this life, you not only have great wealth in the future, life is very long. I did not ask, and doing this? there is no finding, Anuga everything natural, really like the teacher, and now money is really responsive, how much it wants to be the number before now, will not be too much, nor less, you say free! when you don't want to no, a thought came, really incredible. You have to have confidence about Buddhism no, not afraid to give, more effects. Temperature: old Professor, Foundation of kids from small read some books, he can go to see the "Tripitaka", there would be no obstacle. Professor: there would be no obstacles, it is true that no barriers. Ampersand, amp;, amp;,amp;, lt;,/FONT> temperature: what a large or obstacles. Professor: Yes, Yes. Temperature: type of obstacle. Professor: Yes, Yes. The fansixun is very important, after the subjects studied, people are affected his life, he knows the truth, and makes sense. "Accumulate merits, Yuqing necessary; plot not good, will more than offset the calamity", know this truth, people will not do bad things, do not proceed evil thoughts, and on society in General, are known. Indian Everbright master life, you see him so deep roots of Confucianism and Taoism, he does not, he is Buddhism founder, he does not Buddhist scriptures, he made this thing. At that time, I can't think of one or two weeks, and he got the? do you think of the sensor's story with the Oz book front is of Taoism, Wenchang Emperor yin the Oz book is preceded by the Stallion, he got it? and almost fully to bet on this, dependent of the ten directions to it. So I say he is a multicultural, he didn't say I was Unified Buddhist, he is not. He was fully responsive to the community, society is required prior to and immediately remedy, this wonderful! now two of the most important things, masters of light printing forward ideas of cause and effect of education. Because he has a close relationship with me, Li Bingnan old his work was his student, so he is our Patriarch. We have an obligation to idea, sad he would like to finish it, so I put it this way lead to the whole world, cause and effect of education. You have Mr Jiang Yizi, Taichung painter Li Bingnan student teacher, Mr Jiang Yizi. Dr Wang: he had painted the Kong Zihang biography. Professor: Yes, now the hell the completion of a map in disguise. The hell in disguise was I asked him to draw, draw very fine, 26 cm tall, 60-metre-long scroll. Details of each picture has description, text, voice, used as CD universal gift. Hope everyone can browse the hell in disguise, know what kind of fruit. My life affected by very large causal effects of education. My home town God's temple, was a child, the mother temple incense, took me to go. Then the hell disguise figure is the clay sculpture, plastic is really good!, when mothers explain icon fruit, this sin, the fruit in the future. This is acceptable since childhood, impressive, so what kind of suffering, frustrations are not of men, and why? I understand this suffering is their not doing things, and the subject. I want to go one's own destiny, only to do good, and evil good and broken, do not blame days people. So, I visit my country, often give these leaders say, 5,000 years of Chinese culture handed down, does not have to be eliminated, not perish, China has three treasures: the first treasure, the ancestral hall, sacrifice advocated "filial piety". Second, is the Confucian temple, each county has a temple, Confucius is "road", filial respect. Third, is the City God Temple, Temple said, "cause". These three things is an amazing image, you do not underestimate it. You have to say that it is superstition, superstitions, completely removed, people, impiety of disloyalty, do not believe in cause and that this community with joy, how do you pack? so you will know how this is education, City God Temple is the social education of causality of good and evil, more than anything else! now that everyone's temple were destroyed, so we're overseas, mainland China to promote "surname ancestor Memorial Hall" (that is, Temple). All surnames of the members to build a temple, built a total ancestral hall, not a company. It's alright, worship together in spring and Autumn period, held by local officials presider, push each last name a representative accompany the man in charge in offering the sacrifice or holding a memorial ceremony, home, even better than before, equal to national unity. Old must have new things out of place, you can't let it get. The Confucian temple, we now build "Confucius Memorial Hall", Memorial place of the temple, where give lectures, speak of Confucianism. Usual lectures, teacher's day worship. City God Temple or do you want to have. City God Temple is Temple form cannot be used, then we use a wide range or galleries, disguise figure exhibition ' the hell out. Social importance, this can really save lives of the ten kings, after seeing him do bad things people xinjing tank jump, he's having trouble sleeping at night, there are benefits, could help him back conscience. Temperature: need to say too much profound truth sth Professor: not needed. Too complicated truth cannot save all, society as a whole now amazing, cause and effect of education is very important, very important. So things must be done without delay, but do it, and method of implementation is also "an in-depth". Variety is divided into stages, the first stage of a unit, phase II, phase III sth Makes it a unit completes all during the semester, it is very important. Former social emergency, Everbright teacher stress cause-education is printed, is of the fansixun, IChoupai television, quick-fill with this method, which is on the world. You look at the science and technology developed, believe that science and technology is a panacea, science and technology may be able to overcome the nature. Wrong, he could not win, will never win anything. Temperature: Professor, reported: I was engaged in high-tech, my conclusion, high-tech cannot save people, it is a very good tool, but cannot save people. Professor: must moral, human moral, high-tech will do very well to human service; people have no moral, high-tech killing people. In fact, true spot he advocated by the life of the master of cause and effect of education is important, it enables us to understand people, understanding causation. Why do good? you evil good, and you can change, so fate changed. A kind and sincere heart towards people, not to deceive people, a favor, good heart, does not have any disaster. So set a good example, grateful to Sage education so well that they will take the lead in doing, will take the children. Caused by old professor is a free CD of books and other gifts to Dr Wang and Wen, Wang and Wen are finding this visit benefited.

